Monday, September 13, 2010

Dr. Lynn Rogers

Dr. Lynne Rogers is a Wild life Biologist. He's been studying Black Bears for almost 20 years now. Because Black Bears hardly attack humans, he can follow them through their natural habitat.
In the beginning he has to earn their trust by spending time with each bear. At first the bears would be more afraid of Dr. Lynne Rogers than he is of them. But after a long time of trying to earn their trust he has accomplished his mission, even a sow with cubs will let him follow closely.
Then Dr. Lynne Rogers learns more about Black Bears by spending time with them in the woods. Sometimes he'll spend an entire day or night, with a bear family, recording every thing they eat or do on his handy computer.What he records may look like this:

10:14 a.m.: Sow eats seven bites of dandelion. Cubs are playing

10:17 a.m.: Sow takes 42 bites of grass along woods road. Cubs find berries- too green.

10:22 a.m.: Sow sits down and nurses cubs.

Using this technique, he discovered something no other scientist has ever discovered.
A bear that eats grasses and dandelions and blue berries? Is that all they eat? Well, no, is what he says, but it's what they mostly eat. The bear really isn't that good at catching other animals, even thought they have sharp claws, big teeth and powerful muscles. With a big round body, short legs and mild attitude, the Black Bear is not a very efficient predator.

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